Little Melton Parish Council

Planning Appeal - Land South of School Lane

Developers have lodged an appeal against the decision to refuse permision to build about 30 houses on the land south of School Lane, near the crossroads.  The full documents can be seen at

The main points are in and are mainly based on technical arguments about whether there is a five year housing supply or not.   If the area is deemed to be without a five year housing supply then the development boundary is set asside and there are few grounds on which development can be refused.   This was the the situation with the three existing developments.

The developer plays down any concerns about the reduced undeveloped gap between LM and Hethersett and makes no mention of the massive developments already under way at Hethersett.

The Parish Council's original objection can be seen at It is beleived that the developer has since tested that drainage by infiltration is possible.

If you wish to comment, or modify / withdraw your previous representations you can do so on online at If you do not have access to the internet you can send your comments directly to 3D Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BSI 6PN, quoting the appeal reference numbers APP/L2630W/18/3205905

Comments received from the public do carry a lot of weight - so it is worth responding, even if only to state that your previous comments still stand.