Little Melton Parish Council

Additional Plots at All Saints Close

The following information has been recieved on 01/07/2019.

Location: Land North Of Gibbs Close Little Melton Norfolk, Proposal:
Variation of condition 1 from planning consent 2018/2812 - Change of house types for plots 22 and 27, and 3 additional plots 28, 29 and 30 added to the development.  Copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line 
comments by 22/07/2019

The new plan shows that plot 22 has been moved closer to the existing houses and that 3 new plots have been inserted compared to the previous plan.  Previously there were large houses on plots 22 and 27, these have been changed to bungalows and the three new plots are all bungalows - so there is reduced overlooking of exiting properties. 

Originally there were 20 houses approved for the site but this was changed to 27 with 4 affordable homes instead of the 8 that SNC requested,  LMPC questioned the economic justification for this at the time but were not allowed to see the figures.  This new proposal is for 4 affordable houses and 4 shared ownership homes.

  If the above links to the plans don't work then you can find the plans at -

Please make any comments direct to SNC