Little Melton Parish Council

Cycle Path Campaign - The path to the NRP in October 2013

It has been accepted by NCC that an off road cycle path should eventually  be provided  between Hethersett and the NRP.  However no timetable for this has been published and now that work has started on the NRP expansion the roads and junctions are even more dangerous for cyclists.  Traffic is already gridlocked along the Watton Rd in the morning rush hour but there is no safe cycle alternative.

The morning 'rush' hour - it would be quicker to cycle, but
you are going to get very muddy here!                                                                        Even wetter in 2014!!!
!!!!! January 2015 - Highways have dug a path through the bund - still a bit muddy when wet but mostly you can cycle straight through - thank you Highways!!!!
and once on the path it is poorly maintained - this is just over the road from the NRP
Cycling along the road leaves cyclists having to cross 3 lanes of traffic with no refuge in the middle - very dangerous at night!
Crossing the A47 is not made easy - you have to avoid the nettles and be strong enough to carry your bike up a flight of steps
The path to Hethersett suffers from being too close to the road and is of irregular width - also there are frequently bits of hedge and road grit to contend with.   The pic on the right shows a  similar road in France with a well separated cycle path and signs for the cyclists!   If only ......