Little Melton Parish Council

Cycle Path Campaign - Survey

There is an existing cycle route from Hethersett to the Thickthorn roundabout but this requires cyclists to do 2 sides of the triangle in order to get to the Research Park.   It is also too close to a fast road to be safely used at night.  The PC would like to see a direct route that puts the NRP within a 15 minute cycle ride from Hethersett.  The PC needed evidence that such a route would be used and conducted a survey.

Survey results up to end of September 2009

Over 100 people have responded to the survey and some clear patterns are emerging.  The map below shows the typical journeys that people would like to cycle from Little Melton, Hethersett and Wymondham - the full table of survey responses is here .  

Click here to see some of the comments that people have made - the comments strongly support our campaign and show that people feel very strongly about this.    Virtually everyone gave 'Too Dangerous' as the reason that they don't cycle - most people currently use a car as the sole occupant.

View Cycle Journeys in a larger map and display the route list