Little Melton Parish Council

Greater Norwich Local Plan

Sites offered for development

Please take a look at this map - three more sites have been offered for development, including the fields to the north of Braymeadow which it is suggested could acomodate 400 to 500 houses!   These three sites are in addition to the 8 already offered.  

It should be stressed that hundreds of sites have been offred around Norwich and they won't all be developed.  However it is important that people do respond to the consultation as responses from parishioners do influence councillors.   It is very difficult for the Parsih Council to fight against excessive development if there are few objections from people in the parish.   The details are here and have been reproduced below.

Valid grounds for objection would include -

  • poor provision of public transport
  • lack of services in the village
    • no doctor or dentist
    • one small shop with very limited parking - which may close if no buyer comes forward
  • poor road system
    • roads already facing huge increase in traffic from developments at Hethersett and NRP
  • loss of gap between the village and neighbouring towns and villages, which are all expanding

5.49 Little Melton

Eight sites were consulted on in Little Melton in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if Little Melton is identified for development, small scale residential development could occur at GNLP0495, or the small part of GNLP0182 off Gibbs Close, or on GNLP1046 if access constraints can be addressed. Larger scale development, if considered suitable for Little Melton, could take place on parts of GNLP0340, GNLP0397 and GNLP0591 combined, or on parts of GNLP0182".

Two revised and one additional site were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


Respond No Comments View Map acrobat readerGNLP0182R




North and south of Mill Road


Residential development of unspecified number of dwellings

Respond No Comments View Map acrobat readerGNLP0477R




Lanpro Services Ltd

East of Burnthouse Road


Residential development of unspecified number of dwellings

Respond No Comments View Map acrobat readerGNLP2044




Brown & Co

Braymeadow Lane


Residential development (400-500 dwellings proposed)

GNLP0182R has been reduced considerably in size from 21.61 ha to two sites totalling 3.15 ha. It is fairly well related to the village, with access to some services. Constraints include ecological, heritage and townscape impacts, site access, local road network capacity and sewerage infrastructure capacity, as well as flood risk.

GNLP0477R is a 2 ha site located to the south of the village that combines previously submitted sites GNLP0477 and GNLP0495. Considerations relate to the setting of the nearby listed building at Elm Farm, as well as ecological surveys to take account of the mature hedge/trees and pond.

GNLP2044 is 16.15 ha site located off Braymeadow Lane. Considerations relate to the limited transport network, the location of part of the site within the Norwich Southern Bypass Land Protection zone and adjacent to the Hethersett Strategic Gap, and nearby listed buildings. Due to a historic landfill site to the north, investigation may be needed into land contamination. Other issues include mitigation of surface water flooding, the need for ecological investigations due to protected trees and the close proximity to a County Wildlife Site at Braymeadow.

In conclusion, the revision of GNLP0182R, subject to overcoming site-specific constraints, provides an option for small scale growth. GNLP2044 offers an alternative option for housing, if Little Melton is identified for larger scale growth.